Tilbakebetaling av utgifter i forbindelse med Euroson 2020

Kjære NFUD-medlemmer. Vi skulle snart ha møttest i Bergen for faglig og sosialt påfyll med ultralydentusiaster fra hele verdene. Dessverre gjorde koronapandemien dette umulig. Euroson 2020 måtte kansellerest. Se nedenfor for tekst på engelsk fra Euroson 2020 om hvordan man skal gå fram for å få dekket utgifter man har hatt i forbindelse med konferansen.

Regarding reimbursement of paid expenses for EUROSON 2020

Dear colleagues,

As previously announced, due to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, the upcoming Euroson 2020, that was to be held 11th-13th of June 2020 in Bergen, Norway, had to be cancelled. This was a very heartbreaking decision to make. As a consequence of this very unfortunate situation, we were faced with claims and bills for approx. 100.000 USD due to all preparational work that was already done. Sadly, we had to spend lots of time in the last months to resolve all economical and legal issues.

We have consulted both legal and national expertice before reaching the conclusion having to restrict refunding to 80% of the registration fee. The current situation is a clear-cut force majeur situation beyond our control and intent. A registration fee for a congress is supposed to take care of administration and planning  costs running from long before the congress starts. However, we still face a considerable negative balance, with no other place to claim reimbursement as organisers. Students and trainees will receive full reimbursement. Delegates that have already registered and paid for the scheduled meeting in June, will receive 80% of their registration fee. This is due to the administration cost and various costs that have already occurred.

Although 20% will be withhold, the organizing committee will have a negative balance and the Norwegian society of Ultrasound and the National Advisory Unit of Ultrasound in Gastroenterology will have a considerable deficit. If you have booked accommodation this will also be refunded. The congress dinner will also be fully refunded.

We are deeply sorry for this situation, that has been far out of our control and intention, and we kindly ask for your understanding.

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee we deeply regret any inconvenience and disappointment caused by cancellation of Euroson 2020, and we share your disappointment.

All delegates will recieve an email on May 19th with details on how to proceed with the refund claim. If you do not receive this email, please contact our PCO, Bergen Kongress & Kultur AS, at email post@kongress.no